Sunday, April 29, 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates over the last several weeks. Many of you have been asking how things are going and all we can say is, "We're waiting." Due to a number of issues (power outages, network difficulties, etc.) we simply haven't received much information or communication. When Wes last spoke with Alex, he was going to arrange a meeting with the district social welfare officer (DSWO) on the island who is handling Mary's case. If you recall, the DSWO documented the family's consent for Mary to be adopted back in December and was to deliver his report to the Director of Social Welfare in order for final determination regarding Mary's adoptibility to be made. To this point, that report hasn't been delivered. Alex's intent with scheduling this most recent meeting was to inquire (again) about what the DSWO is waiting for. His report is critical in moving this process forward. The Malawian government is so tentative about their commitment to international adoptions that the process has to be strictly adhered to. So, we're waiting and praying. We have to remember that this is a place we've been in before and that God has been faithful every time.

This last week, a friend of mine said something so simple in response to my prattling on about how things are being held up. She said, "Well, the question isn't if it's going to happen, because it will. The question is more of when, and that's up to the Lord." I guess I really needed to hear someone say that. "It will happen." I don't think I've let myself believe it. Maybe as a way to protect myself from getting attached and then being disappointed. But, when I stop and think about it, how insulting that must be to God! I think eliminating the word "if" from my vocabulary would be useful. I don't believe there are "ifs" or even "maybes" with God. I believe those exist with us, due to our lack of faith and trust in Him.  So, please pray for us as we wait. Pray that we will wait in 100% reliance on Him and in expectation of what He IS going to do.  Most importantly,  continue to pray for little Mary and her grandmother. Mary will be 7 months on May 10th. We are trusting the Lord to protect her from TB and malaria, which are so prevalent there.

A few weeks ago, our friend Kathryn sent us a video she took of Mary while she was on the island in March.  In the video, she is giving Mary a basic check up. Mary's Grandmother is holding her.  We were so amused by the little kids in the background. Beautiful, seemingly happy children, but in need of so much.  I pray that we will never cease to have our hearts broken by what breaks the heart of God.  We hope that you will enjoy seeing and hearing Mary for the first time. =)  Just copy and paste the following link into your browser.

**Oh, and a little side note...please check out our "How You Can Help" page. We have recently set up the Paypal donation link. Any little bit will be helpful in bringing Mary home.

Many friends have received their first batches of coffee and have reported them to be "really delicious" and "quickly shipped".  Many thanks to all of you diehard coffee drinkers!

For friends in the Knoxville area, we're planning on having a yard sale in the next month. If you have anything that you'd like to donate to the cause, please feel free to drop it off.

Finally, want to say a HUGE thank you to our sister, Chloe Parsons, who has been running her heart out for the adoption this month and has raised, I think, over $1000 so far.  Amazing, amazing girl. We love you!

To everyone, thank you for your continued prayer and support.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blog updates

We have made a couple changes to our blog that we haven't pointed out previously and want to make sure that you're aware of.

First of all, we've added the option of following this blog by e-mail. At the top of the sidebar, there is a field where you can enter your e-mail address. Doing so will enable you to be alerted by e-mail every time we post an update.

Beyond that, in response to your many inquiries, we have added a "How You Can Help" page where we've listed several ways that you can support this adoption. The primary way, of course, is through prayer and we've listed specific items that you can be praying for. We will continue to update that list as this process continues.

We've also listed a handful of ways that you can help us raise financial support. The unfortunate reality is that it costs money to provide a home for a child. And, while we didn't start this journey with the intention of asking anyone to help us pay for it, many of you have expressed a desire to help in this way. Because we are both runners and coffee drinkers, two of our favorite ways are through our store with Just Love Coffee and by joining the Mile-by-Mile Pledge-A-Thon being put on by our sister Chloe. Visit the "How You Can Help" page for more details about those and other ways that you can help. And, if you have specific questions or other ideas, please feel free to e-mail us at We would love to hear from you!

As always, thank you!