Sunday, September 30, 2012

Yard sale, coffee, prayer...

This next weekend (10/5), we're going to be having a yard sale to help offset some of the new costs we're facing for the adoption.  If you're in the Knoxville area and would like to donate items to the yard sale, feel free to drop them off or call us to come pick them up. Many of you have already donated items and we're so appreciative of your generosity. 

If you're not in the Knoxville area but would still like to contribute to Mary's adoption, visit our "How You Can Help" page. You can buy some yummy organic coffee (the African Skies blend is our favorite) or you can make a donation. Anything is helpful and appreciated!

At a minimum, though, please pray that God will continue to open doors to bring Mary home soon.

Also, if you haven't done so yet, please join or follow our blog by e-mail (see sidebar). By doing this, you'll automatically be notified when we update our blog. With the progress we're starting to see take place, we'll be posting updates much more frequently.

More to come soon!

Friday, September 28, 2012


To say that adoption is a long process is an enormous understatement.  After about nine months, we find ourselves really no further along than we were in January. The social worker on the island, who we've mentioned in previous posts, never did his job.  We have hired a new attorney who is moving as quickly as he can to help move this process along. Still, it's unknown how long this could take. Filing for exceptions from the standard protocol will require additional time and incur additional expenses.

Honestly, we're frustrated.  Mary is in a vulnerable situation that is getting progressively worse. As she gets older (she'll turn one on 10/10) and more mobile, it will be increasingly difficult for her grandmother to care for her. It's hard for everyone involved to understand why this is taking so long to happen, especially since this is what the family wants to have happen. We have to trust that there is a reason for the delays, that it's part of God's plan.

Please continue to pray for our little Mary's protection and for her grandmother's health. Also, continue to pray for our friend Alex, who has been working so hard in Malawi to make this happen.  His selfless love for Mary is a tremendous blessing.

So, that is where we're at right now. Still waiting, but still trusting and believing God to see this through.  He's got Mary in His hand. We couldn't ask for more.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.