Well, we're apparently not the most consistent of bloggers. It's been almost 4 months since we last updated you on the adoption. So sorry! Our lack of communication, however, does not indicate a lack of activity in the adoption. Since we last updated you, we have:
-completed our home study and were approved - 2/11/2013
-been fingerprinted for US immigration in Nashville, TN - 3/15/2013
-received and signed the affidavit and petition to adopt Mary from our lawyer in Malawi - 3/15/2013
-been approved by US immigration to adopt (without one question from Homeland Security!) - 4/12/13
In light of all of this, our lawyer is ready to schedule the court hearing in Malawi. The only thing remaining on our end is for Mary specifically to be approved by US immigration. This should take a few weeks and there shouldn't be any problems. Once she is approved we can start travel plans. We're guesstimating that we could be going sometime in June or early July depending on when they can secure a court date. In the interim, we're continuing to wait, trust, and hope in the One who is orchestrating all of this. It has been amazing to watch Him bring all of this together without really any significant efforts on our part. It has confirmed in my heart that He will do what He plans to do with or without us. We can choose to follow and be a part or we can choose to stay put and miss out on what he is doing. We pray that we will always follow Him no matter what the cost. The gift of this little life, this precious girl, humbles us beyond words.
Most recent picture of Mary with her great-grandmother. |
On a slightly different note, a while back we had the privilege of helping our friend, Alex, build a new home for Mary's grandparents. Apparently, their home was in dire need of repair. We were able to raise money to assist with the building of the new home. The approximate cost of the new home was about $500. It's sobering to think of the things we spend our money on, when for such a small sum (by American standards) you could significantly improve a family's life. Below are some pictures of the process.
We hope to be updating you soon with travel plans. Please continue to pray for Mary's continued health, and for her grandparents, their health and their hearts as they prepare to say goodbye to Mary. Pray also for George, our lawyer, as he completes this process with wisdom and integrity. And, for our dear friend Alex as he continues to be the "middle-man" in all of this. This wouldn't be happening at all without him.
Lastly, we want to thank those of you who have continued to support us in this. Thank you for your prayers, your financial support, your adorable gifts, and for your inquiries as to how Mary is doing. Nothing means more than when a friend asks, out of the blue, how Mary is and how they can pray for her and us. It reminds us that, even though we're not pregnant, we are still expecting a child.
Blessings to you all and again, thanks for walking this road with us. =)
Much love,
Wes, Brandie, Emerson , Owen