We learned this week that we will not be traveling to Malawi in August as we had initially thought. Unfortunately, Mary's passport application cannot be completed until the 18th of August. In order to make the most efficient use of our time in Malawi and expedite our return home, her passport and new birth certificate need to be issued before we travel. As things stand right now, we are planning on leaving the first week in September. We were a little disappointed at first by this delay, but we know it's His timing. Being home for a few extra few weeks will give us more time to prepare for adding a toddler to our home, as well as start the school year with the boys and give them a fantastic birthday celebration before we leave. And, as it turns out, it will also enable us to have the medical exam needed for her visa processing completed before we leave. We know it's a good thing. Still, we are so eager to finally meet our girl.
We are so grateful for the incredible support we've received from many of you. This whole process has been very humbling and all we can say is "thank you". God really has something going on here and we're amazed that He's letting us be a part of it.
Mary Alex, July 31, 2013 |
Much love,
Wes & Brandie