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On October 9th, we prayed a very short and specific prayer: "God, we want to adopt, but we don't know how we can. If you want us to adopt, you need to make it a lot simpler." The next day, God answered that prayer. Through a very dear friend of ours, we learned that a woman on Likoma Island in Malawi had passed away during childbirth, leaving behind a baby girl. The child's only relative who could care for her was her grandmother, who is very sick with HIV. Initially, petitions were made for people to send money to support the baby and her grandmother. We probably won't be able to explain adequately how things progressed from there, but basically we knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God was calling us to act in this situation. It was one of those "billboard moments" when God was saying, very clearly to our hearts, "Do this!" At moments like those, you can either step forward in faith or talk yourself out of it. We chose to step forward and inquired about adopting the baby girl and the grandmother agreed. We were fully aware that there would be risks involved, and yet fully sure of the One in whom we believe; the One who promises to provide all that we need to accomplish that which he has called us to do. We were reminded of the words in James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." and also the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40, "...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." He has called all of us to "look after the orphans"..."to do unto the least of these..." These words challenged and convicted our hearts. We could neither ignore the intense desire in both of our hearts to adopt, nor this opportunity that was a direct answer to prayer.
Since then, it has been an amazing four months! God is continually confirming in both of our hearts that this opportunity is for us. We've struggled with how people like us, in our stage of life, could possibly do this. Adoption has always seemed like a luxury that is reserved only for those who are financially "qualified". But whenever we begin to question our "qualifications", we are reminded that He doesn't choose those who are perfect, He chooses those who are willing. Whenever we hit a wall in the process and feel like it's just not going to happen, He encourages us with amazing progress that only He could accomplish! We are so excited to share with you what He has been doing and we will continue to post more details. Until then, we ask that you will partner with us in prayer as we follow the Lord on this journey to bring her home!
Love, B & W