The yard sale was a raging success! It has been a long time in the making, with many of our incredible friends and family members consistently donating items over the past few months. When we finally had everything displayed all over the yard at 7am, we could hardly believe how much stuff we had. If we had had the yard sale this past summer, we wouldn't have had nearly as much stuff to sell. Things started out pretty slow and by mid afternoon we were lucky to have 1 to 2 people there at a time. We were doubtful that we'd make much that day. However, the few people that did come to shop the sale were very interested in the adoption and were super encouraging. Once we tallied everything at the end of the day, we were humbled to find that we had made more than what we had prayed for! More than what we needed (combined with other fundraising efforts by the awesome Chloe Parsons) to cover the cost of our home study and immigration paperwork! We were blown away! God has continued to provide for Mary in so many ways. We've done nothing. In fact, most of the time I feel like we're getting in the way with our doubt and impatience. We fail to trust Him as we should and yet, He is still so, so faithful.
The goodies in the front yard. The rest went all the way down our drive way! |
We are continuing to raise money for airfare and for legal fees. If you'd like to contribute towards that, please visit our "
How You Can Help" page. Also, we do have another request from our friend Alex in Malawi. He contacted us the other day to say that they had to tear down the hut that Mary and her grandparents were living in. It was something that they were trying to wait on, but it couldn't wait any longer. They need to rebuild as soon as possible because the rainy season will be upon them very shortly. Presently, they are living in a storage room. Alex has never directly asked us for money in the year that we have known him, so we know that this is a serious need. In order to rebuild, they need about $400.00. We're asking people if they would be willing to prayerfully consider giving their tithe this month or next to help get a roof over their heads before the rain arrives.
Where Mary's home was. Phase one of reconstruction. |
Again, thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We are humbled and amazed as we watch God in this whole process. When he has a plan, he gets it done, regardless of our plans. All we have to do is remain willing to be used by him; remain willing to walk that narrow, challenging path that tests our faith in him at every turn. He has not called us to live a comfortable life.
I love this quote from Katie Davis. She's a young girl who, at the age of 22, left her "comfortable" life in middle Tennessee to live in Uganda and be a mother to 13 orphans and run an amazing ministry.
“Uncertainty is everywhere. But I am living in the midst of the
uncertainty and risk, amid things that can and do bring physical
destruction, because I am running from things that can destroy my soul,
complacency, comfort and ignorance. I am much more terrified of living a
comfortable life in a self serving society and failing to follow Jesus
than I am of any illness or tragedy.”
Katie Davis,
Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
Mary (with her grandfather) on her first birthday. |
With much love and gratitude,
Wes and Brandie