Every time I watch this video, I tear up. I have been incredibly stirred since we moved south three years ago. In more ways than expressed in this blog, God has challenged me to reevaluate my life, my priorities, my motives, my goals. It's so easy to have tunnel vision in our world, perhaps especially in our society. The day-to-day items consume our time and attention. In all of the chaos (and there is a lot of it if you're a homeschooling mom), I feel that God's vision for this world is lost. At least it was lost on me and is lost on me if I don't daily ask the Lord to shift my focus to where His is. We have been so incredibly blessed. Still, we feel like we need so much or are at least fooled into thinking that we need more than we have, especially at this time of year.
I challenged my boys today to a Christmas dare. I dared them to not talk about what they want for Christmas anymore, but instead to talk about the amazing gifts and blessings that they already have. Gifts that so many children around the world do not have. We're going to make a list everyday. I pray that they'll start to feel God's heart and His love for them, and see His incredible gift as more important than the "things" they desire.
I am so thankful that God has given us this opportunity with Mary. This incredible call to love someone that the world would rather forget. It has radically changed my heart and my life. God's call to "love the least of these" used to overwhelm me. There is so, so much need. And, I'm sure it will continue to overwhelm me when we finally go to Malawi. However, I know that helping even this one, beautiful little girl will make a difference. If we all could only help one...
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New picture of Mary. |
Recently, we've been challenged by God through a very faithful friend to pray about both of us going to get Mary. Originally, we had decided that just one of us would go with a friend so that the other could stay with the kids. Our thinking is that it would be a precautionary measure so that just in case anything happened, the kids wouldn't be left without both of us. It was something we felt comfortable with and decided without much prayer. Then God prompted our dear friend to tell us to pray more about it. She said that she strongly felt that we both needed to go to bring Mary home. "If you're willing to trust God with all of this, then you need to trust Him with the ending, too." Love her. We're really praying that God will give us a peace about this detail. Please pray with us.
Again, as always, thank you for walking this journey with us. Keep Mary and her grandparents in your prayers. And, Merry Christmas!
With much love,
P.S- I'd like to encourage you to consider the following ministries as you shop for gifts for your loved ones this year or decide on the charity that you'll donate to.
A few that are dear to us:
Just Love Coffee
Buy coffee for your coffee lovers and support our adoption at the same time.
Nancy Kilpatrick
A dear friend of ours who is going into full time medical missions with First Love International in Africa. She is raising monthly support and hoping to leave this summer. You can make a donation in her name by clicking on the donations tab on the home page of First Love International.
African Steps
Working to provide health care on Likoma Island, where Mary lives. This is a huge need.
Others that are absolutely amazing:
Beautiful, handmade necklaces crafted by women in Uganda. Buying one helps feed their family and keep them employed.
World Vision
They have gift options ranging from $25-$300, e.g. educating a child, buying chickens or a cow for a family, etc.
Blood Water Mission
Give the gift of clean water. It all starts there.
Hands and Feet Project
Help build a home.
Toms Shoes
Get one, Give one